okay so i needed a little help from Chelsey....i don't know what i'd do without her and her knowledge of computers. I still remember when we lived in Park Ridge in the early 80's and we would call the library to make 1/2 hour appointments for you and chelsey to play on their computers. nobody had home computers then. it's no wonder that you both were such naturals. those were such happy times in my life, when things were so wonderful. we were one big happy family! anyways, so much life has happened since then, so much i want to remember and share with everyone. sometimes i feel like i want to go back and relive those days again. to write my memories down it feels like i do go back and it gives me a comforting feeling. it's really all i have left....
I do want to share one more photo for today.....remember when you gave me the information about LifeGem, you said you found it on line and wanted to be made into a diamond when you die. I looked at it online and thought it was really cool, but really didn't want to think about something so morbid. no mother wants to think about their child dying. so the process of taking the carbon of someones ashes and creating a beautiful diamond was intriguing to me. the process took a long 9 months while we anxiously awaited the day to come and get it. then, of course, what to do with it after it was created took almost a year to decide, and actually make happen. i had the diamond (yellow) mounted on a pendant and put it on a small chain. i found a crystal company online who sold me a beautiful crystal base engraved to my specifications. dad had given us a swarovski rearing horse many years ago, so i had it mounted on top of the base and then hung the diamond from it's neck. it is beyond stunning.......i love it and want to show everyone.....it's a part of you i will treasure forever....
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