Sunday, October 28, 2012

Halloween Memories......

This is the cake I made time and time again, it was always a big hit at Halloween.

Halloween was always your most favorite holiday. I went through all of the pictures I could find of all of us dressed up at some point in time or another.  The only costume I didn't come across was the year that you dressed up as Brittany Spears, I think was in Jr. High, but my memory is not so good these days so I'm not quite sure when it was.

Here is the Halloween Line up Photo Album.......




We miss indescribable amount......m


  1. That is a riot to see all the years of costumes. The one of Dale looks much better than me! He was pretty handsome back in the day! Do you remember that the clown costume we wore as little girls? Also, I am pretty sure the ballet tutu was mine from a recital back in the fifties! We are a family of savers of memories......

  2. So true...actually I thought Mom made the clown costume for Monica...


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